Somebody has to say it and say it out loud.  President Obama and his more than capable Queen, Michele really pissed off America.  I’m not talking about progressive, future forward-thinking America.  I referring to the underbelly, “we hate N-word America”.  Yes, it exists.  Still.  With every use of the words and phrases, specifically DEI and woke, it only amounts to co-opted, performative and coded language for N-word hate, jealousy or both. Buy Straight Jackin’ for context. The proliferation is more pervasive than you would think.  In 2024?  Yes, in 2024.

America, the land of the free and the home of the brave, has always touted itself as a beacon of democracy and equality. The country was founded on it.  It was a lie then, but it was still, in principle, founded on it. Yet, beneath this facade lies a deeply ingrained system of racism and prejudice that continues to influence the nation’s political landscape.  Still present overtly in 2024. The recent political discourse surrounding Vice President Kamala Harris’s potential ascension to the presidency has laid bare these ugly truths. The fear and vitriol from both major Democratic donors and the MAGA right reveal a disturbing reality: many white Americans are more terrified of a Black woman becoming president than they are concerned about the future of American democracy and an octogenarian President. This is pervasive, structual, and systemic racism.  Period.  Not to mention the behavior of ID10T$.  Buy this book also.

Kamala Harris’s rise to the Vice Presidency should be a moment of pride for a nation that claims to value diversity and inclusion. However, her potential ascension to the presidency has been met with significant resistance from both sides of the political spectrum. This resistance is not based on her qualifications or policies but on her race and gender. The idea of a Black woman holding the highest office in the land is so threatening to some that they would rather see the country descend into chaos and burn than accept this reality.  Yes, this includes political figures, major news networks, pundits, bigots, white men and white women with overestimated opinions of themselves and internet hacks.  You are all culpable.

One might expect major Democratic donors, who champion progressive values, to support Biden to get to the eventuality of Harris unequivocally. However, many of these donors are quietly anxious about her potential rise. Inside their episodes of psychosis, they don’t even mention her as a replacement.  They go straight to the square jaw, pearly white smile white man.  Their fear is not rooted in policy disagreements but in a desire to maintain the status quo that has long favored white male elites. Women are even worse with this process.  In a world where women’s rights are on the chopping block, women are following along with these misogynistic men with these feeble attempts to return to the days of 1950. Just look at what they did to Hillary. She should have been the first woman President.  And she was white.  Geez.  Kamala doesn’t stand a chance in this environment.  Even though she is capable. These donors’ reluctance to fully back Harris exposes a hypocritical stance: they advocate for diversity and inclusion as long as it does not challenge their own privileged positions. This hypocrisy is a stark reminder that racism is not confined to any one political party.

On the other side, the MAGA right’s fear of Harris is even more pronounced. This faction has shown a willingness to undermine democratic principles to maintain power, embracing authoritarian figures who promise to uphold their vision of America. Everything they say is xenophobic, racist, and misogynistic.  Yet, the prospect of Kamala Harris as president is so terrifying to them that they would risk the country falling into authoritarianism rather than accept her leadership. Again, the women in this demographic are equally as confusing.  They literally agree to these Neanderthal methods and practices proposed by their men, when they secretly would rather have, well a little chocolate in their lives.  Or at the very least something with more flavor.  Yep, I said that too.  This fear is deeply rooted in racism and misogyny, reflecting a broader unwillingness to see America become a truly inclusive nation.

The treatment of President Obama during his tenure is a testament to America’s enduring racism. Despite his competence and statesmanship, Obama faced relentless attacks that questioned his legitimacy and humanity. These attacks were not just about political disagreements but were fueled by a deep-seated fear of a Black man in the Oval Office. The same undercurrent of racism that marred Obama’s presidency is now being directed at Harris, revealing an unwillingness to accept Black leadership in any form.

The current political climate in the United States is one of profound division and turmoil. The fear of Kamala Harris, a capable and accomplished Black woman, becoming president reveals the nation’s ongoing struggle with race. This fear is not just a political issue; it is a moral one. It exposes the depths of racism that still permeate American society and the lengths to which some will go to preserve their racial privilege. The willingness to tank an election, destroy a statesman’s legacy, and run the country into ruin speaks volumes about the depth of this racism.

Opposition to Kamala Harris often masquerades as opposition to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives. Critics claim that DEI is being used to push a political agenda that doesn’t fit their vision of America. However, this characterization is grotesque and disingenuous. DEI is about rectifying centuries of systemic discrimination and ensuring that all Americans have an equal opportunity to succeed. Rejecting Harris under the guise of opposing DEI is a thinly veiled attempt to maintain racial hierarchies and preserve white supremacy.

The opposition to Kamala Harris is a microcosm of a broader societal issue: the denial of racism’s existence and impact. Many Americans prefer to believe that the nation has moved beyond its racist past, but the reaction to Harris’s potential presidency suggests otherwise. This denial prevents meaningful progress and perpetuates a cycle of discrimination and inequality.

Why is America still at a crossroads in fucking 2024?  Simple, in the minds of bigots out there, “What’s worse than an Obama Presidency?  A Woman.  What’s worse than a woman?  A N-word woman.” It almost makes you feel embarrassed to be an American with a large population of its citizens still believing this kind of vile, disgusting rhetoric.