Ladies and gentlemen, hold onto your hats, because we’ve got ourselves a real doozy of a discovery. It turns out that in the land of the free and the home of the brave, there’s a newfound concern about the concept of “two-tiered justice.” Who knew? It’s as if the heavens have parted, and a revelation has been bestowed upon some White Americans and Conservatives, revealing that the scales of justice might just be ever so slightly imbalanced. But don’t you worry, the cavalry of righteousness has arrived—better late than never, right?

Let’s take a moment to appreciate this unprecedented awakening. After over 400 years of slavery, systemic racism, Black Codes, Jim Crow, mass incarceration, and the War on Drugs that have relentlessly and disproportionately targeted Black Americans, some folks are finally experiencing a tiny taste of what countless others have endured. It’s almost heartwarming, isn’t it?

And what, pray tell, has caused this sudden epiphany? Could it be a deep dive into history textbooks that unveiled the systemic racism that has plagued this nation? Could it be a sincere empathy for the countless lives shattered by an unjust legal system? Could it be a genuine realization of the need for radical change? No, my friends, the catalyst for this newfound concern is none other than the legal troubles of Donald J. Trump.

Yes, you heard that right. The same individuals who have been conveniently turning a blind eye to centuries of racial injustice have found their moral compasses in a storm of federal and state indictments. Trump, a man who boasts a rap sheet longer than those old dot matrix computer program printouts, is suddenly the poster child for a “two-tiered justice system.” It’s almost as if the heavens themselves have issued an executive order that justice is now a cause worth championing.

Let’s have a moment of silence for the irony that’s so thick you could cut it with a butter knife. The same folks who cheered on policies that fueled mass incarceration, disproportionately affecting Black and Brown communities, have now magically grown a conscience. The same voices that were strangely silent during the cries for reform are now declaring that the sky is falling because their chosen political figure is facing legal scrutiny.

But wait, there’s more! Remember the War on Drugs? The very same “war” that led to the vilification and over-policing of Black and Brown individuals for minor offenses? Well, guess who’s suddenly concerned about the aggressive tactics used by law enforcement? You guessed it—those who are feeling the heat themselves. It’s as if the cries for justice are only valid when they come from those who have enjoyed privilege for centuries.

Let’s take a stroll down memory lane and recall the era of Jim Crow. Ah, what a delightful time that was, when segregation and discrimination were the norm. Black Americans fought tirelessly for their rights, for their very humanity, while some of the very same folks who are now outraged were comfortably sipping on lemonade, basking in their privilege. But now that the chickens have come home to roost and justice has paid a visit to their doorsteps, it’s all hands on deck.

And let’s not forget the glorious institution of slavery, which built the foundation of this nation. Generations of Black Americans endured unspeakable horrors, all while those who now lament a “two-tiered justice system” reveled in the benefits derived from centuries of systemic racism. But sure, let’s pat ourselves on the back for acknowledging that there might be a teensy-weensy problem with the justice system when it affects our personal interests.

Let’s raise a glass to the marvel of human self-centeredness. The revelation that some White Americans and Conservatives have had about a “two-tiered justice system” is truly a spectacle to behold. It’s almost as if history doesn’t matter until it inconveniences our own lives. Perhaps, just perhaps, this newfound concern can be harnessed for good, and we can collectively work towards a more just and equitable society—one that recognizes the ongoing struggles faced by Black Americans and strives to rectify centuries of injustice. But until then, let’s continue applauding the grand performance of hypocrisy that’s unfolding before our eyes. Cheers!