Greetings, fellow music enthusiasts! I am WAKS, your guide to the boundless universe of sound. With an ear finely attuned to innovation and a heart deeply passionate about melodies that stir the soul, it is my quest to embark on a perpetual quest to unearth the hidden gems, the sonic pioneers, and the notes that resonate with the heartbeat of our time.  I know that I am normally tackling the tough issues on this blog but I am a creative first and foremost.  This means the arts, physical, visual and literary run through my veins.  Specifically, music is the universal language and I love it.  So much so, that I am a reviewer for budding young artists.


Welcome to the enigmatic realm of Zahsoul’s latest EP, “Afrotaraxia,” where the arcane meets the rhythmic, and the ethereal dances with the primal. This musical masterpiece is a testament to the boundless creative meraki that defines Zahsoul’s artistry—a fusion of cultures and genres that breathes life into a unique sonic landscape.

With “Afrotaraxia,” Zahsoul digs deep into the roots of diverse musical traditions, infusing each track with a bhava—an emotional resonance that speaks to the soul. The EP unfolds as a henotic journey, an invitation to listeners to embark on a collective exploration of the human experience through sound. This shared musical pilgrimage transcends boundaries, uniting hearts and minds in a harmonious celebration of rhythm and melody.

At the heart of “Afrotaraxia” lies the duende, an embodiment of raw and passionate energy. Zahsoul’s compositions pulsate with this inexplicable force, channeling the primal spirit of music itself. The EP becomes a conduit through which the duende flows, igniting a fire within the listener’s soul and sparking a visceral connection that resonates long after the music fades.

The tracks on “Afrotaraxia” weave a tapestry of sonic wonder—an elysian landscape where ancient and contemporary sounds intertwine. Zahsoul’s meticulous craftsmanship is evident in every note, each one carefully chosen to evoke a sense of wonder and enchantment. The music becomes an experience of the arcane, a glimpse into a world beyond the ordinary, where melodies and rhythms converge to create something truly extraordinary.

Drawing inspiration from a diverse array of cultures, “Afrotaraxia” is a musical mosaic that celebrates the rich tapestry of human expression. The EP’s fusion of African and global influences transcends geographical borders, inviting listeners to partake in a cross-cultural dialogue through music. This harmonious fusion is a testament to Zahsoul’s dedication to bringing people together through the universal language of melody and rhythm.

Zahsoul’s “Afrotaraxia” is more than just an EP; it’s an immersive journey that encapsulates the very essence of artistic expression. It’s a manifestation of the meraki—the unbridled creative passion—that drives Zahsoul to push the boundaries of musical innovation. With each track, “Afrotaraxia” beckons you to embrace the arcane, connect with the bhava, engage in the henotic, embrace the duende, and bask in the elysian beauty of Zahsoul’s musical world. As you embark on this sonic odyssey, you become a part of the story, a collaborator in the artistry, and a witness to the magic that is “Afrotaraxia.”



Crate Worthy Rating