In a monumental twist of fate, the gilded tower of impunity finally crumbled as Donald J. Trump, a former president no less, found himself convicted on all 34 counts of falsifying business records. Oh, the poetic justice! This verdict sends a clear message: commit the crime, do the time. Revolutionary, right? Especially when the “fixer” has already taken a vacation in the slammer for the same misdeeds.

Now, let’s talk turkey about prosecuting a former president. It’s high time we squash the sacred cow notion that certain positions or bank account balances carry an eternal ‘get out of jail free’ card. Equal justice under the law isn’t just a snappy phrase to embroider on a pillow; it’s supposed to be the bedrock of our legal system.

Why bring charges against a former president? Why not, indeed! His former attorney and fixer, Michael Cohen, didn’t just serve time for jaywalking. He was behind bars partly because he cleaned up messes made at the behest of his boss. If that isn’t a tag-team effort in criminal conduct, what is?

And then there’s the delicious irony of the “law and order” mantra Trump touted. Can one truly claim to champion law and order without being willing to submit to it themselves? It seems some believe the laws are just recommendations, applicable only to those who can’t afford high-powered legal shields.

Moreover, let’s speak to the disenfranchised communities watching this saga unfold, those who have been systematically and disproportionately targeted by the justice system without the benefit of ‘fixers’ or millions to fund their defense. For them, this isn’t just a high-profile conviction; it’s a glimmer of hope that maybe, just maybe, the scales of justice are starting to balance out.

For those still wrestling with whether this prosecution was justified, I urge you to dive into the case transcripts, the motions, the charging instructions, and the indictment itself. It’s all there in black and white. The evidence didn’t just suggest guilt; it screamed it from the rooftops.

Did Trump steal the 2016 election? While that’s a more complex brew of legality and chicanery, let’s just say where there’s smoke, there’s usually a firestarter. And in this case, it seems like we caught the pyromaniac red-handed.

To those clutching their pearls over the audacity to chain a titan like Trump to the stand, remember this: No one is above the law. Not even a former president. So, let’s stop with the hand-wringing and start reinforcing that justice, true justice, needs to be blind, bold, and applied equally. Because anything else is, frankly, just bullshit.