Category: Politics

Not Woke, Just Common: Stop Talking So Much And Read A Little More

March 12, 2023

This is NOT WOKE Banking. Could you please stop hijacking my culture's slang and making it something completely different than what it is?  Just for a second just read a little more.  Understand that WOKE and recent banking failures have nothing to do with each other. Silicon Valley Bank, mostly a corporate entity bank and Signature Bank are just a part of a larger picture of bank failures since the turn of the millennium. Banks can fail and banks...

Are You Worried Yet? You Better Be. Florida's Politicians Are Here!

March 7, 2023

As the world grapples with numerous challenges and crises, it is disheartening to see Florida politicians behaving more like ringmasters than stewards of public policy. Rather than focusing on and addressing the urgent needs of their constituents, the majority conservative political party in this state behave like panhandlers (pun intended) on carnival row, all juggling the silliest of agendas only for the approval of their boss, one Ron Defascist,...

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