Category: Politics

The Idiot's Gambit: Kevin McCarthy's Perilous Support for Donald Trump's Criminal Activity

August 3, 2023

Where the machinery of democracy grinds slowly and meticulously, there stands an enigmatic figure: Kevin McCarthy, the House Minority Leader. Over the years, McCarthy's ascent to power within the Republican Party has been nothing short of meteoric. However, beneath the veneer of political astuteness lies a disconcerting pattern of obstinance—his unwavering support for the criminal activities of none other than Donald Trump himself.To fully...

The Litigious Odyssey of Donald J. Trump: Unveiling the Irony of Two Tiers of Justice

August 2, 2023

Few individuals have traversed the labyrinth of the justice system with the same vigor and frequency as Donald J. Trump. The former President of the United States has been enmeshed in over 4,000 legal battles, including a substantial number of federal cases, earning him a unique distinction as one of the most sued persons in the country's history. The sheer scale of Trump's litigation is nothing short of staggering, and it prompts us to explore the...

DeSantis Says Ukraine Isn't Vital To Our National Interest: As A History Major He Should Know Better

March 14, 2023

Ron DeSantis has a wide array of soapboxes.  One of them is his insistence that Ukraine is not vital to our national interests.  What Ron DeSantis and his base really want to tell you is that they don't care and hiding your head in the sand is a terrible idea.  For such an accomplished History major, DeSantis should fully understand that the war in Ukraine (which I know he does) is not only important to economic stability and true freedom in...

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