Category: Politics

Obama Is The "GOAT" And You Don't Even Know It

August 22, 2024

The statement "Obama didn't do anything for us!" is often thrown around by some in our community without much thought. Many of these folks don't take the time to read or stay informed about politics unless it directly affects them. They rarely even glance at the evidence that disproves this belief. What evidence, you ask? The evidence that Barack Obama was far from an absentee President for Black America. The issue I have with this mindset is that...

How Hope Drives Growth for a Better Tomorrow

August 21, 2024

In a world teetering on the precipice of change, where the forces of division and despair often seem to drown out the whispers of hope, there comes a moment that rekindles our belief in the fundamental goodness of humanity. Tonight, after watching Michelle and Barack Obama deliver their powerful speeches at the Democratic National Convention, we are reminded of the enduring strength of hope, the unyielding potential for growth, and the timeless...

A Nation's Peril: The Ominous Path Forward

October 25, 2023

We have navigated through turbulent waters, enduring crises, and faced political earthquakes that have shaken the very foundations of our government. Yet, the recent election of a US Representative, a staunch supporter of election denial, as the Speaker of the House, has unleashed a storm of unprecedented proportions. Penned in the spirit of journalistic integrity of yore, this opinion of mine aims to dissect the grave danger our nation now faces,...

Dumbassery at its Finest: Lauren Boebert and Marjorie Taylor Greene's Constitutional and Political Folly

August 3, 2023

Inside the hallowed halls of Congress, where seasoned lawmakers navigate the complexities of the American democratic system, there occasionally arise individuals whose lack of constitutional and political brainpower is glaringly evident. Enter Representatives Lauren Boebert and Marjorie Taylor Greene, two members who have managed to capture the nation's attention not for their legislative acumen, but for their audacious forays into the realm of...

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