Category: Political Polarization

A Nation's Peril: The Ominous Path Forward

October 25, 2023

We have navigated through turbulent waters, enduring crises, and faced political earthquakes that have shaken the very foundations of our government. Yet, the recent election of a US Representative, a staunch supporter of election denial, as the Speaker of the House, has unleashed a storm of unprecedented proportions. Penned in the spirit of journalistic integrity of yore, this opinion of mine aims to dissect the grave danger our nation now faces,...

DaSoftness: Ron DeSantis and the Dangers of False Toughness

August 3, 2023

Image often reigns supreme. Politicians work diligently to portray themselves as strong leaders, capable of taking on the toughest challenges and standing up to any opposition. However, this image of toughness can sometimes be a facade, concealing a softer reality beneath the surface. Such is the case with GOP Presidential hopeful Ron DeSantis, who recently made headlines with his controversial comment about "slitting throats" to tackle federal...

The Litigious Odyssey of Donald J. Trump: Unveiling the Irony of Two Tiers of Justice

August 2, 2023

Few individuals have traversed the labyrinth of the justice system with the same vigor and frequency as Donald J. Trump. The former President of the United States has been enmeshed in over 4,000 legal battles, including a substantial number of federal cases, earning him a unique distinction as one of the most sued persons in the country's history. The sheer scale of Trump's litigation is nothing short of staggering, and it prompts us to explore the...

Bridging the Divide: Confronting Inequities in Global Health and Development

July 18, 2023

In our interconnected world, the stark disparities in global health and development demand urgent attention. The profound inequities in access to healthcare, resources, and opportunities perpetuate cycles of poverty and hinder progress for marginalized communities. To achieve true global health and development, we must confront these inequities head-on, prioritize health equity, and embrace a framework rooted in social justice and human rights. The...

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