As the world grapples with numerous challenges and crises, it is disheartening to see Florida politicians behaving more like ringmasters than stewards of public policy. Rather than focusing on and addressing the urgent needs of their constituents, the majority conservative political party in this state behave like panhandlers (pun intended) on carnival row, all juggling the silliest of agendas only for the approval of their boss, one Ron Defascist, who, all on his own is inclined to wage a private little war with the self-proclaimed “I AM YOUR VENGEANCE”  in the form of Donald Frump, a man who has behaved more like the most famous fascist in history, a 1930s remake. 

These politicians that are supposed to be servant leaders of Florida and protect its citizen’s civil rights are on their way to possibly destroy every common sense law that they can during the 2023 session. The role of a politician is to lead and serve their community, to work towards creating a better future for all. However, this group of conservative politicians resorts to circus-like theatrics and showmanship that raises questions about their ability to effectively govern and prioritize the needs of their constituents.

In this session, the majority is poised to erase 1st amendment protections by basically creating a system of state sponsored media and easing defamation abilities for state officials.  No one is safe, there are bills on the floor that attack women, the LGBTQ+ community and the civil rights of citizens in the sunshine state.  Speaking of the “Sunshine State”, the legislative body is also attempting to expand exemptions for public records requests.  You absolutely can not make any of this up.

At a time when we are facing crises ranging from climate change and social inequality to health pandemics and economic instability, we need leaders who can rise above the noise and distractions and focus on addressing the critical issues at hand. Instead, we are witnessing a disturbing trend of politicians who seem more concerned with self-promotion, scoring political points, and maintaining power than with serving the public.

As citizens, it is our duty to hold our elected officials accountable for their actions and demand that they prioritize the needs of their constituents above their own personal interests. We must demand transparency, honesty, and integrity from our leaders and reject the use of divisive rhetoric and spectacle in politics.

It is time for politicians to put aside their ego-driven antics and focus on the job at hand. Our communities and the world at large are facing critical challenges that require decisive action and leadership. It is time for our politicians to step up and show us that they are capable of being leaders, not just ringmasters.